
In a series of workshops, we explored AI as a tool for creative processes.
Together with friends we developed our own comments and experiments.
The ongoing initiative serves to train us to accept AI as a new partner in everyday aspects.
In the exchange, we all shared our experiences
and came across remarkable questions.

Does AI really have no soul, or do we just need to breathe a soul into it?
What do rune stones and Tonie boxes have in common?
Is AI the planetary savior and the solution to everything?


Download your own digital votive horse

Video Installation
The video, which shows a camera flight around a votive horse sculpture from Gujarat in north-western India, was created with AI-supported software that uses the NeRF method to calculate 3-dimensional objects and their environments. Photogrammetrically recorded, the digital twin can then be mapped as a real-time rendering and navigated interactively at will.
The video and audio part of the work can be viewed here. In the presentation for the AI workshop 'AB on AI', this video was part of an installation, for which some documentation photos are attached.
The setup consists of a black studio stand on wheels with a grading monitor mounted at eye level. This is connected to a playback unit, via which the video is played back in an endless loop. A black parasol is mounted above it.
The audio part (2:55min) is purely text-based and is performed by an AI. It tells the background of the creation of the work as part of the AI workshop, starting with the birth of my daughter Alma.

The research for the project dealt with parallels between cult and artificial intelligence. Indian votive horses, such as the sculpture that can be seen as a digital twin in the video, are traditionally used as offerings in religious ceremonies by local tribes in north-western India, more precisely in Gujarat, to ask for divine assistance or blessings. In the text accompanying the video, the question is raised as to whether a pilgrimage that takes these tribes to cultic places could also take place in digital space and what the place of pilgrimage where the digitally reproduced images of these votive horses could be placed would look like.
Would it resemble the barren and arid landscape of northern India or perhaps the temple-like halls of an Apple Store? The question remains unanswered.
Visitors to the installation have the opportunity to download their own digital votive horse via QR code and pursue the question of 'where'.
In my opinion, the cult of the Indian votive horses is based on a similar form of reverence that also applies to the use of AI technologies. We put our trust in AI systems with the belief that we will be helped. We command the GPT to solve our questions so that our lives will improve.
Both AI and the cult in Gujarat have a connection to the human search for transcendence and the improvement of life through external forces. Both are beacons of hope for our very personal desires and are used ritually.
The text of the work read by the AI can be viewed here in English. There is a QR code on it, which you can use to download a digital votive horse for yourself.
I hope you enjoy the documentation and hopefully find it an exciting read. If you have any questions about the project, please get in touch.

Concept, art direction, photography, digitization
Studio Jester

In collaboration with:
International Wardrobe
Cornelius Diemer
Margarita Amineva-Jester

The displayed documentary contains photographs by Katharina Koppenwallner /
photo scans from the Book: ‚Living Traditions of India, Votive Terracottas of Gujarat‘ by Haku Shah, Mapin International, Inc New York /
screenshots of digital twins calculated with the help of
